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Of mommies, grannies, great-grannies, and Little Blog July 9, 2007

Posted by biglittleblog in Friends and Family, Holidays and travel, Relationships.

Little Blog has gone shopping with her Mom and her big sister, Sunshine, to stock up for the next visit to the beach, and to buy cheese for Sunshine.

She is giving both of them, as well as anyone within earshot, a running commentary on the events of the previous day, what she sees around her at the mall today, and what the connection is between the two. In Little Blog’s world, everything is connected. Which means, of course, that there is a lot to say. Amazingly, she eventually seems to run out of words. But it turns out that this is only to restart her onboard processor.

Suddenly, in the middle of the mall, she stops dead in her tracks.


“Yes Little Blog?

“Where do great-grannies come from?”

“They come from their mommies, Little Blog.”

“But Mommy, aren’t their mommies dead?”

Little Blog’s mommy is very much alive, but she has been speechless for several hours now.


1. Nossie - July 9, 2007

Hi Little Blog,
i had to LOL when I read your post!! Those little gems will come at you out of left field on and arb Monday afternoon and knock you sideways…you probably have thought of something appropriate that you COULD have said, but the moment is lost…little Blogs has moved on…

2. little - July 9, 2007

You are so right, Nossie. And Little Blog sure knows how to move on…

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